Friday, May 24, 2024

Book Review The Song of Sourwood Mountain


BookThe Song of Sourwood Mountain

Author:  Ann H. Gabhart

Publisher:  Revell

   354 pages, paperback.

This is a story about a teacher (Mira) who is asked to marry a missionary preacher.  The first third of the book is very interesting. I enjoyed reading about Mira's life, and how she had a difficult decision when trying to figure out if she would accept the preacher's offer. It would change her entire way of life.  As the story went on, and we read about the place where she begins to serve, the story seemed to change a little. It opened up much more to include not only Mira and her new husband, but a community of people who were in great need of an education.  While the book was well written, I just didn't like reading about the way of life (along with all the details) of the people in the new community. I found them stressful and, at times, sad.  However, in the beginning of the book, there is some wonderful wisdom from the characters in her old community, which I appreciated. 

* Disclaimer: This book was received for review purposes.




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