Saturday, February 24, 2024

The Quilt Room Secret


BookThe Quilt Room Secret

Author:  Lisa Jones Baker

Publisher:  Baker

   249 pages, paperback.

An independent-thinking Amish woman, Trini, owned her own home and a store. She secretly plans to leave the community. There is an Amish gentleman who wants to marry her.  The story shares the details of the homes, friends, neighbors, and family involved in the main character's life. I had a difficult time connecting with the story for the first few chapters. But as I continued to read, the plot started to interest me.  

While I did not like reading about Trini's independent ways, or the constant references to memories, I appreciated how the story ended.

*Disclaimer: "I received a complimentary copy of this book from Barbour Publishing and was under no obligation to post a review."


Thursday, February 8, 2024

The Irish Matchmaker


BookThe Irish Matchmaker

Author:  Jennifer Deibel

Publisher:  Revell

   314 pages, paperback.


This well written story will transport you to a fascinating community in Ireland. We learn of the customs and way of daily life.  As can be expected, there were brief instances of drunkenness, as well as some romantic descriptions. 

There are two families we get to know fairly well. The first family includes the Matchmaker, Catriona, and her father who live in town.  The second family is a farmer, Donal and his young daughter, who are struggling financially while living in the country.  We see a little of the difference between the royal residents and the laborers living in the countryside.  It is interesting to see how marriages are made and all the effort to find the right match. It was lovely to read about life in Ireland.

*Disclosure - This book was received for review purposes.