Friday, August 9, 2013

The Letters by Suzanne Woods Fisher

Book - The Letters:  The Inn at Eagle Hill

Author - Suzanne Woods Fisher

Publisher - Revell

320 pages, paperback

What intrigued me most about this book was the idea of having one's very own INN!  Rose Schrock, and her children, had to move in with her mother-in-law because of financial difficulties.  The story begins after she becomes a widow.  Her husband had some investment problems and left Rose with debts.  Rose felt very strongly about paying everyone back, despite a bankruptcy.  Even if she could only send each person a few dollars, here and there, she planned to pay them all back.  This is part of the reason why she opened a little Inn.  She also wanted a way to support the family.

The story goes back and forth between the Amish community and Englishers in the outside world.  Some of the English people stay at Rose's Inn.   There is an intense contrast between those living in "the world" and the Amish.   One is full of intense, stressful troubles; the other has a great deal of support and help for whatever comes up!  I sensed the Englishers were the loneliest and most anxious people in the world, compared to the Amish.

In the beginning  of the story, I had a little trouble understanding what was happening or who was who!  But eventually I got the hang of it.  I enjoyed reading about the Amish neighbors and Rose's children.

Overall, it is an interesting story.  It is a long read, with some funny moments along the way.

Bonus!  The book includes a delightful recipe for Blueberry Cornbread, which was a specialty at the INN.

“Available August 2013 at your favorite bookseller from Revell, a division of Baker Publishing Group.”

*Disclosure - I received a copy of this book for review purposes.*

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